Grinberg Method®

The base of the Grinberg Method is attention – direct sensing and experiencing in the body. The more attention and energy you have available in your body, the more clearly you can notice how you are unconsciously getting in your own way. And you learn to stop doing exactly that. This finally frees up resources to regenerate, heal and follow your path in life according to your potential.

I want change

I have pain


Learning process – a journey of self-discovery

Why not simply treat it?

Good treatment, by whatever method, can be wonderful.

But humans are creatures of habit!

We use our bodies and our attention in the same way in our daily lives, we are in familiar moods and think in familiar patterns.

So we need not be surprised if we end up in the same or similar states as before.

No one is surprised that they arrive at the same destination when they drive in the same direction!

Things will only change fundamentally when WE change!

For this reason, Avi Grinberg, the founder of the method, taught us how to teach people to make fundamental changes in their physical well-being and in their lives. Through touch, instructions and exercises, we direct attention into the body and teach to release unnecessary efforts in the body and stop limiting repetitive patterns in order to achieve greater well-being and personal freedom.

Learning to get rid of pain, tension, anxiety etc.

We live a large part of our everyday lives out of familiar routines. Even when we change activities, deliberately take a different path, we carry the same moods within us. We tense our muscles in the same way, feel ourselves in the same familiar way and have the same things to say about ourselves and the world.

We do not escape ourselves.

Some of our routines harm us: we are restless inside when we actually want to sleep. We are tense and have pain, restricted movement, digestive or menstrual problems…

Or we stand in our own way in certain situations: I don’t dare, I can’t make decisions, I can’t assert myself, I can’t think clearly under pressure, I always feel guilty, I can’t calm down…

In a learning process, you will systematically get to know how you unconsciously stand in your own way so that you can put an end to this situation!

You learn to deal with feelings and states such as excitement, fear, pain, jealousy, anger… which you normally resist, in a different way that is useful to you.

You learn to strengthen the qualities you need to be able to take new paths by consciously leaving the old, “unconscious” ones behind.

Our patterns often hide fear, anger, pain or other feelings that we unconsciously resist. At some point in our past, we got into the habit of going against these feelings and sensations. Perhaps everyone around us did it this way or there was a situation that “imprinted” moods or ways of dealing with a feeling.

Nature is efficient; if these feelings were basically useless, we wouldn’t have them.

We have just forgotten how to use it as a force. We invest a lot of effort in not feeling it. This creates tension and discomfort. Our body knows how to deal with fear, pain and anger without harming ourselves or others. We can learn to use these forces on a basic physical level without having to defend ourselves against them.

Fear, for example, is a force that makes us alert and clear and ensures our survival. We have forgotten how to allow and use it in this way. It becomes a psychological problem.

Example 1

Mr. K comes to me because of pain and tension in his neck.

During the sessions, he learns to feel his neck more and to relax it. He learns how to use his breathing to stay freer in this area. As a result, he is also clearer in his head and has more energy. Through targeted exploration in the sessions, he notices more in everyday life when and how he tenses his neck. Both with his wife and at work in situations where he has to express his opinion. He realizes that he normally always immediately follows the lead of others and does not represent his point of view confidently.

However, he tenses his jaw and neck a lot and is still preoccupied with the situation and in a bad mood a few hours later. This makes him tired. In the process, he learns step by step to let go of this restrictive pattern and feels more insecurity when he says what he has to say. But he learns to deal with it and the insecurity gets less and less.

Example 2

Mrs. W comes to me because she feels uncomfortable with herself and is constantly under pressure.

She is tense and plagued by inner turmoil. The first thing she learns in the sessions is to feel her body again, which makes her more relaxed and calmer in her head. She realizes more clearly that she aspires to be a perfect mother.

She consciously learns how she is always pushing herself or questioning herself with her demands. This means she is always under stress. She senses more clearly how she maintains this state in her body by reducing her breathing, pulling her stomach and shoulders upwards, tensing her face and legs and feeling her body less and less. Instead, her thoughts become faster and faster and are directed against herself. The more she learns to let go of all these aspects, the more clearly she feels the fear of not being good enough. She has known this since she was a small child. In the sessions, her body learns how to process this fear.

As a result, she no longer has to feel like a small child who can’t please her parents. This makes her much calmer and more relaxed and the whole atmosphere in the family is much less stressed.

Example 3

Mr. M comes to me because he is exhausted.

He learns to relax, to become calm in his head and to let his very tense legs relax. This makes him feel lighter and reduces the constant tiredness in his head. He sleeps better, is more rested and has more energy again. However, he also realizes how he has been avoiding an important decision in his life.

Now that he has more energy again, he has the confidence to take the necessary steps in his life.

Recovery process

Recover yourself

The recovery process is about helping the body to regenerate as quickly and completely as possible.

This can be useful for

  • Acute pain conditions
  • Chronic pain conditions
  • Chronic illnesses
  • After accidents
  • After operations
  • After childbirth
  • Severe states of exhaustion
  • Functional disorders (respiration, digestion, hormons…)

What to do when it hurts

We arrange ourselves with pain, manage to block it out, ignore it, etc. But this has its price – we are tense, it takes a lot of energy and the painful area is not optimally supplied.

When we are in pain, the body very quickly develops protective postures, which often remain even when the pain is over. They cost us a lot of energy and weaken us – because if you take it easy for too long, you weaken. The body does not work “smoothly”.

Learning a new way of dealing with pain – getting involved

If we learn not to react to the pain and the associated fear in the usual way, but to stay relaxed, breathe and allow ourselves to get involved, the body can use all the energy it has invested in “fighting” it, to regenerate. The painful area is better supplied with blood and nutrients. This alone usually reduces the sensation of pain considerably.

Schmerz umwandeln [PDF Download]

Transforming Pain [PDF Download]

Scars – both external and internal – are often a place in the body where a lot of energy remains tied up. The event – accident, operation, birth – was usually associated with a lot of fear and pain. Scars can cause pain or be numb, trigger pain and disorders in other areas and impair the body’s function. You no longer feel as you did before the event.

In the process, the body is helped to process what has happened and to fully regenerate. Pain can be reduced. Numb areas can become fully sensitive again. Adhesions can be released. And the area and those connected to it can work better again.

Example: A client comes in after a caesarean section with a feeling of weakness in her abdomen and a painful pull in the scar to the right pelvic bone. She has also had knee pain and also back pain after the operation. In the sessions she learns to relaxe the effort she makes to protect her stomach. She learns to physically let go of the shock that this operation was for her. The external and internal scar is gently stimulated and the areas around are relaxed. She feels her stomach more and the numbness and dullness disappears. Her stomach feels more normal again and she feels more like herself again. In the process she learns to let go of the overtensed muscles and tendons in her low abdomen and at the base of her legs. She moves her legs differently again and her knee pain disappears. She can stand upright again without effort, which gives her low back a big relief.

Not all “sufferings” are associated with direct pain. A thyroid disorder, for example, is often completely painless. Nerve problems can often lead to sensory disturbances, but they don’t always have to hurt. When women can’t sleep and are drenched in sweat, they also suffer. And shortness of breath is a major limitation.

The aim here is to support the body in its function.

In the sessions, the body is specifically supported in its function. And we explore how the client stands in the way of this function. The client learns about “unconscious” automatic patterns that affect the weakened or poorly functioning system, e.g. digestion. In order to be able to omit this in everyday life. In this way, the body creates the best possible conditions for regeneration.

Videos zur Grinberg Methode®


Special times need special solutions. That’s why I also offer my personal support via online sessions.


My clients learn through the body how to let go of their automatic reactions to fear.


The Grinberg Method® for greater well-being. Learn to eliminate unnecessary effort in everyday life.


Excerpt from the program Thema v 21.09.2015 about chronic pain. Among other things about the Grinberg method.


Avi Grinberg, founder of the Grinberg Method® speaks with journalist Cinnamon Nippard. In this interview (brought to you by the IAGMP…


An excerpt from a talk given by Avi Grinberg about chronic pain. Transforming the parts of pain for which we can be responsible is a basic concept of the Gri…


An excerpt about fear from a talk given by Avi Grinberg on the power of fear and pain in people’s lives…


An excerpt from a talk given by Avi Grinberg about personal history. Not allowing your past to define your future is one of the concepts of the Grinberg Method.


Marta de la Hoz explains how through the Grinberg Method she fought to „get back“ the arm she lost to polio as a baby. 45 year later, thanks to sessions of the Grinberg…