Group activities
The principles of the Grinberg Method can be easily implemented in group training formats. It’s often more fun together! The group dynamic also works here. I realize that I am not alone. I see body patterns in others and understand my own better. I learn lots of exercises and approaches that I can use at home. The main tools here are exercises that deepen and change the body experience.
Upcoming Workshops
The following workshops and topics provide an overview of what I offer. If you are interested in a topic, please write to me! If there are several interested people, I will offer dates as soon as possible.

Free Breathing!
Say goodbye to pressure and constriction!
When breathing is allowed to take its place freely, we also feel free. We are lighter, calmer in the head, connected and have more energy.
Breathing freely allows all body systems to work better. This workshop is designed to get us there!
Workshop for adults and children aged 10 and over. Duration: 2 hours.
Learn to let the shoulders go
We almost always do too much effort in our shoulders. Whether when concentrating, during physical effort or when we are trying to be in some way – better, more confident, cooler, calmer…
Regardless of why we are holding our shoulders more rigidly or tenser than the situation requires, it is a pleasure when we no longer “have to” do it. And that`s what this workshop is for!
With exercises that bring our attention to the shoulder area, we learn to specifically let go of tension in this area.
The exercises are taught in such a way that they can be applied practically in everyday life.
Workshop for adults and children aged 10 and over. Duration: 2 hours.

Using fear as a power
We usually experience fear as a restrictive, unpleasant state – panic, nervousness, insecurity, . . . WE TURN IT INTO AN ENEMY.
If we change our – sometimes unconscious – reactions to fear, it can become what it is meant to be – a great force that is a completely natural part of us. It can make us clear, alert and alive. Because life is too short to be afraid of fear!
The workshop is based on physical exercises and aims to change the personal experience of fear.
Workshop duration: 4 hours.
A clear mind
It is usually not enough to want to be quiet. We have different types of noise in our heads – unprocessed things, being preoccupied with the past or the future, things that need to be done, unsolved issues with other people, etc.
In this 5-session course, we will learn different approaches to finding peace and calm in our heads with the different types of noise that often plague us.
Duration: 5 units.

Stressed or relaxed & efficient
Everyone is stressed, it has become really modern and unfortunately it’s also really contagious. When people around us are in a stressed mood, we all, too often let ourselves get carried away. Unfortunately, all this effort is in vain, because all the tension and mood we produce when we are stressed does not make us better or faster – it is the opposite!
In this workshop, each participant explores his/her own particular style of getting stressed, the triggers that get him/her into the stress pattern and we learn ways out of stress suitable for everyday life with targeted physical exercises.
The aim of this workshop is to equip you with practical tools to be more relaxed and efficient in everyday life. So that stress becomes a positive kick again!
Smove Training

Stopping Movement is a training that reaches us on all levels!
It is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Everyone trains to the best of their ability! I also offer courses for children of different ages.
Stopping Movement Training is a progressive training, I offer ongoing, progressive courses as well as individual workshops.
In addition to lots of fun, the following side effects can also occur:
Fresh and young in the head
Our brain has to constantly rearrange itself and create new neuronal connections. This keeps our mind young and our thinking flexible!
Perfect for anyone who wants to stay young in the head, prevent or curb Alzheimer’s and dementia or has neural limitations!
- Perfect for anyone who studies a lot!
- Increased concentration
- More attention to your surroundings, easier to listen
- Self-confidence
- Get out of familiar routines
- Free breathing, full voice
- Become more free and lighter – feel good in your body
- Be yourself more relaxed with other people
The ME in the company

We are challenged in many ways in our professional lives. In order to be able to work constructively and have a good time, it is often not only the external conditions that need to be right, but also the internal ones. And this is where we can start! I can provide support both in individual work and in workshops. The workshop topics listed are just a selection of concepts that can be adapted to the respective company.
- Healthy at work
- Learn to eliminate unnecessary and restrictive efforts and patterns at work. To get a grip on complaints that arise from work.
- Stressed or relaxed & efficient
- Concentration and performance
- Feelings in the world of work – guide or obstacle?
- Where and how do my feelings restrict me – in thinking, acting, talking? Where and how can they help me? For example, to better assess situations and other people.
- Difficult relationships: Colleagues, bosses, customers, employees – things don’t run smoothly with everyone. What can I do to keep my contacts “clean”, without unsolved issues and constant comparisons? How can I say clearly what I want without offending others and sometimes jump over my shadow more easily, even if it scares me? In short, how can I be myself more freely and be constructive with those around me?
- Empathy without self-abandonment
- Self-confidence, presence, assertiveness
- Keeping an overview and delegating
- Decisions, a tiresome topic
- Ideas, where are you?
- Do you need a clear head in difficult situations, creative solutions? Do you want creativity and inner peace? A workshop that teaches you how to create this state in a targeted manner.
- Time and money – important resources!
How do I deal with it? What restricts me in dealing with it? What feelings, thought patterns, expectations from my history, upbringing and society do I automatically bring with me? And do I unconsciously let these govern my use of time and money? The workshop is a personal journey of discovery into my relationship with time and money, with the aim of becoming a little freer in dealing and planning with them. Not a financial advice seminar!
Being a musician

The life of a musician has special demands. I can support musicians in many areas of their creative journey, both individually and in groups.
As I have been married to a musician for many years, I know all facets of a musician’s life personally.
- Less effort on the instrument
- Free neck and shoulders
- Free breathing
- Singing – more freedom in the voice, through less effort
- Nervousness and anxiety at performances
- Frustration – unleashing its driving force
- Practicing efficiently: Workshop with Ingrid Perner and Joachim Csaikl
Joachim – a musician all his life, has been strongly inspired by top-class sport in his approach to practicing.
- How do I build up my musical training? Breaking up pieces sensibly in order to reach your goal quickly when practicing.
- Which physical skills need to be improved? E.g. speed in the fingers…
- Comparison of muscle building for skiers and other top athletes…
Ingrid – for 20 years she has been helping people to achieve their goals and improve their physical well-being.
- What conditions prevent me from practicing efficiently? E.g. stress in my head, fear of making mistakes, doggedness, eternal procrastination, tension…
- Physical limitations that hinder me, e.g. stiff neck, tension in the hands… and how do I train to overcome these limitations?
- How can I become more efficient by reducing pressure and tension?
- Free breathing – makes all body systems work better!
- How can I increase my concentration level in the most relaxed way possible?
- Music as a life goal: Necessary health prevention so that an intensive life on and with the instrument is also possible in the long term and as pain-free as possible.
- Which lifestyle will help me achieve my goal?
The workshop is very practically oriented, with lots of physical exercises to be able to implement the individual contexts.
Joachim develops exercise plans together with the participants based on their own pieces.
Duration: 7 hours teaching time.